

最后登录时间: 11 年前
何时加入吾网: 14 年前
国际/地区: screamo city
年龄: 31



情感状况: 单身贵族
我的手机型号: SE k810i
职业: StudenT
公司: Stamford Bridge of ChelseA
学校: HigH SchooL ScreamO OxforD UniteD
我喜欢: people who nice with me
我讨厌: PlaY BoY, PlaY girL, EgO MaN oR GirL,
最爱的音乐: Metalcore, Grindcore, Deathcore, Emocore, ElectrocorE
最爱的电影: The last airbandeR
最爱的书籍: Camping in the GraveyarD
最爱的明星: GreeleY EstateS, IseestarS, UnderoatH, The devil wears pradA
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! SometimeS We Up, SometimeS We DowN !



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It Never Ends Lyrics at elw</div>

留言板 (6) 留言

13 年前
hi ;D
13 年前
">http://www.google.com.my/imglanding?q=bmth+2011&um=1&hl=en&safe=off&sa=N&tbs=isch:1&tbnid=gyYvpOCJaSkkIM:&imgrefurl=http://koranbogor.com/entertaiment/06/02/2011/bring-me-the-horizon-nggak-sabar-sambangi-jakarta.html&imgurl=http://koranbogor.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/bring-me-the-horizon.jpg&ei=q5hjTY7MEoPZcZHEzbsJ&zoom=1&w=299&h=365&iact=hc&oei=SpdjTbzsEoXzrQe_sMm_AQ&page=4&tbnh=127&tbnw=108&start=30&ndsp=10&ved=1t:429,r:9,s:30&biw=1003&bih=438" border="0"/>
13 年前
Started off as a one night stand, lingered to a fling.
The sirens and the sergeants didn't seem to mean a thing.
Hide your fangs all you want, you still need the blood.
Tell us that it's different now, you're up to no good.

Take my hand, show me the way, we are the children that fell from grace.
Take my hand, show me the way, we are the children who can't be saved.

One more nail in the coffin, one more foot in the grave.
One more time I'm on my knees, as I try to walk away.
How has it come to this?

I've said it once, I've said it twice, I've said it a thousand fucking times.
That I'm ok, that I'm fine, that it's all just in my mind.
But this has got the best of me, and I can't seem to sleep.
It's not cause you're not with me. It's cause you never leave.

You say this is suicide? I say this is a war.
And I'm losing the battle. Man down, man down.

Is this what you call love?
This is a war I can't win.

One more nail in the coffin, one more foot in the grave.
One more time I'm on my knees, as I try to walk away.
Everything I loved, became everything I lost.

I've said it once, I've said it twice, I've said it a thousand fucking times.
That I'm ok, that I'm fine, that it's all just in my mind.
But this has got the best of me, and I can't seem to sleep.
It's not cause you're not with me. It's cause you never leave.
It's not cause you're not with me. It's cause you never leave.

Every second. Every minute. Every hour. Every day.
It never ends. It never ends.
Every second. Every minute. Every hour. Every day.
It never ends. It never ends.
Every second. Every minute. Every hour. Every day.
It never ends. It never ends.
Every second. Every minute. Every hour. Every day.
It never ends. It never ends.
13 年前
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