

最后登录时间: 14 年前
何时加入吾网: 15 年前
国际/地区: beside his grave
年龄: 84



情感状况: 有点复杂
我的手机型号: Nokia N96 and iPhone
我的电讯运营商: Bmobile and Dst Com
职业: Leader Of The Witches Council
公司: AYFFA69 Ltd com
学校: Ghoul School
我喜欢: my family and him
我讨厌: myself for loving you
最爱的音乐: anything from seragam hitam
最爱的电影: anything that is action and horror
最爱的书籍: Invoking The Spirit
最爱的明星: Avril Lavigne and Pussycat Dolls
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Frantic Angel: i never quit & i never back down cause im not afraid of a challenge



H E L L O. . .if u dun noe u shud noe ma nme iz afrina yatie fareysa frantic angel (ayffa) bt u cn kol me af.wel dz iz sumtin abt me :der are 2 thngs dt i luf in diz world : ma family (dz iz ma fmly.u mes wit dem, u mes wit me 2) & ma hubby eternity (lufin u iz de only thng i eva knew.letin go iz de hrdst thng il eva do) ; 15/02 (i luk youngr den ma age) ; 94 pouns (yka?) ; 1??cm (i hv no idea bt im short 4 sure) ; fav words : plya sntiasa sngle & nva trust nybdy ; owz wearin blck (blck adct xa bt im almos owz in a hoody) ; Luf mking nw fwnz (jd scndl blh jo), singin, dancin (guyg inul babe), shopin, dyin ma hair, polishin ma nail, wearin eyelinr, ngyau (srgm itm fnatic xa) ; nva stop beibun (bt da msany srius) ; wild 8 nyt (espcly on mlm ngyau & lpk) ; mean 2 othrs (yg jat ngn aku la) ; dun try 2 tell me wat 2 do or say (len cta la lau ku btny) ; dun gv a fuck of wt ppl thnk of me (ma lyf ma rules) ; nythg i wnt wil be myn (mnyrh klh pntg sx xa) ; emel?adele..sane jrg dh n9 if n9 pun dtz nt me

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