

最后登錄時間: 14 years ago
何時加入吾網: 16 years ago
國際/地區: Nagpur
年齡: 33








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"Dare to be Wise, Within ur reach all Knowledge Lies."



I am ths, i am that, i dont lik ths & i hate that..... C'mon lets hav a break. I guess ppl come around here to read things so i wont dissappoint u. To get sumthng to read u will- so m puttin here some of my random thoughts as they occur 2 me. Hope u lik them: 1> i've decided to write a thesis on wht ppl actually do in public toilets when they take a lifetime in there while u r in line. All ur invaluable inputs r invited.. 2> u know wht a bull does when u show him a red cloth. . .Absolutely nothing. I found tht out wid the help of a nice luking 1 i met on the road. And narrowly missed a truck who was comming to hit me frm behind. Moral of the story: dont mess around wid bulls & red cloths. 3>This ones 4 girls- how to get rid of that guy in ur class whos following u all the tym & who u think will make a gud pair wid a chimp??? Slaping him in front of whole class wont help, it'll only embolden him. Kicking him were it hurts isnt a gud option either- he may sue u. So i suggest just start hanging around wid his best friend... I tell u, it burns like hell!! 4> they say if u put cola over a rusted screw, it loosen ups... I tried it the other day- when i checked it back, the screw's thread was melted. So i thought of using it as pestiside against cockroaches. But they seem to enjoy my 'weapons of mass destructions' 5>if u evr jump a signal and find sumone waving at u on the other side- nvr stop to give him a lift- hes not ur school friend and definately not a troubled soul.Tht leaves out only 1 person- hes a cop In plaincloths. Stop there & u'll end up loosing a grand bucks. Trust me, i've been thru this! And yeah 1 more thing; if u hav a smile on ur face by ths tym- decency demands that u thank me!! ERRORS LIKE STRAWS UPON THE SURFACE FLOW;BUT HE AIMS FOR STARS, LIKE PEARLS,MUST DIVE BELOW......

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