why you had this other pic before? You look better than her
i'm fine too. You've new avatar, are you this?
***************** ﻭﻗﺘﯽ ﺧﻮﺍﺳﺘﻢ ﺯﻧﺪﮔﯽﮐﻨﻢ،ﺭﺍﻫﻢ ﺭﺍﺑﺴﺘﻨﺪ.ﻭﻗﺘﯽ ﺧﻮﺍﺳﺘﻢ ﺳﺘﺎﯾﺶ ﮐﻨﻢ،ﮔﻔﺘﻨﺪ ﺧﺮﺍﻓﺎﺕﺍﺳﺖ.ﻭﻗﺘﯽﺧﻮﺍﺳﺘﻢﻋﺎﺷﻖ ﺷﻮﻡ ﮔﻔﺘﻨﺪ ﺩﺭﻭﻍ ﺍﺳﺖ.ﻭﻗﺘﯽﺧﻮﺍﺳﺘﻢﮔﺮﯾﺴﺘﻦ، ﮔﻔﺘﻨﺪﺩﺭﻭﻍﺍﺳﺖ.ﻭﻗﺘﯽ ﺧﻮﺍﺳﺘﻢ ﺧﻨﺪﯾﺪﻥ، ﮔﻔﺘﻨﺪﺩﯾﻮﺍﻧﻪﺍﺳﺖ.ﺩﻧﯿﺎ ﺭﺍ ﻧﮕﻪ ﺩﺍﺭﯾﺪ،ﻣﯿﺨﻮﺍﻫﻢ ﭘﯿﺎﺩﻩ ﺷﻮﻡ (ﺩﻛﺘﺮ ﻋﻠﻲﺷﺮﻳﻌﺘﻲ(Vaghti khastamzendegikonam,raham rabastand.vaghtikhastamsetayeshkonam,goftand khorafatast.vaghti khastam asheghshavamgoftand doroogh ast.vaghtikhastamgeristan,goftanddoroogh ast. vaghtikhastamkhandidan,goftand divane ast.donya ra negehdaridmikhahampiyadeshavam.*************************** ﺍﮔﺮ ﻗﺎﺩﺭﻧﻴﺴﺘﻲ ﺧﻮﺩ ﺭﺍﺑﺎﻻ ﺑﺒﺮﻱﻫﻤﺎﻧﻨﺪ ﺳﻴﺐ ﺑﺎﺵ ﺗﺎ ﺑﺎ ﺍﻓﺘﺎﺩﻧﺖﺍﻧﺪﻳﺸﻪﺍﻱ ﺭﺍﺑﺎﻻ ﺑﺒﺮﻱ ( ﺩﻛﺘﺮﻋﻠﻲﺷﺮﻳﻌﺘﻲ (agar ghader nisti khod rabalabebarihamanande sib bashtaba oftadanat andishe erabalabebari*************************** ﺑﻪ ﺳﻪ ﭼﻴﺰﺗﮑﻴﻪﻧﮑﻦ ، ﻏﺮﻭﺭ، ﺩﺭﻭﻍ ﻭﻋﺸﻖ.ﺁﺩﻡ ﺑﺎ ﻏﺮﻭﺭ ﻣﻲ ﺗﺎﺯﺩ،ﺑﺎ ﺩﺭﻭﻍﻣﻲﺑﺎﺯﺩ ﻭ ﺑﺎﻋﺸﻖ ﻣﻲ ﻣﻴﺮﺩ (ﺩﻛﺘﺭ ﻋﻠﯽ ﺷﺮﯾﻌﺘﯽ ¤¤¤¤¤¤
I think of you, you too think of me.
But the difference is that,
When i think of you,
I send you the message.
You think of me after receiving my msg.
Whats the difference between
Falling from 2nd floor and 10th floor
Falling from 10th Floor:aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
Falling from 2nd floor:**dumm**