TAKE CARE FRIENDS You can count on me like one, two, three I'll be there and I know when I need it I can count on you like four, three, two And you'll be there 'cause that's what friends Are supposed to do
">http://up.3ros.net/get-7-2011-izmrxc96.jpg" border="0"/> I Treasure sweet old Memories As the time Goes swiftly By A few Bring smiles of Happiness And some Tears to The Eye ">http://i28.tinypic.com/eagrbb.jpg" border="0"/> They all are precious in Their way Reopening the door of old That Have Been shut these Many years what pictures they unfold ">http://i28.tinypic.com/eagrbb.jpg" border="0"/> These dear old sweet old Memories All play Their special part In Bringing joy and opening up The latch strings of The Heart ">http://up.3ros.net/get-7-2011-pc0kcqu7.gif" border="0"/> ★ ★★ ★R@J★ ★★ ★
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