">http://dl9.glitter-graphics.net/pub/2896/2896099h8e39dmf4w.gif" border="0"/> mimo ">http://dl9.glitter-graphics.net/pub/2896/2896099h8e39dmf4w.gif" border="0"/>
">http://www.indiashots.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/namaaz_old_man.jpg" border="0"/> Allah's Blessings Come As A Surprise But How Much You Receive Depends On How Much Your Heart Believes
May You Be Blessed Beyond What You Expects May Allah bless my friend QADIR HUSAIN KHAN
'tImE CaN StEaL AnYtHiNg fRoM U... uR LoVeD OnEs.. uR ViCtOrY.. Ur bElOnGiNgS.. Ur bEaUtY.. Ur sTrEnGtH AnD MonEy.. uR HuMoR AnD SmIlE.. BuT It cAnNoT StEaL TwO ThInGs.. uR FaItH & CoNfIdEnCe...' gOoD MoRnInG.. HaVe lOvElY WeEkEnD...
Close your eyes, Concentrate your mind nd Pray to god about the things That you want most. GOD must fulfill your prayer. Have a nice sleep. Arkan With love