MY HEART 4 U IMMORTAL THOUGHT - The snake has its posion it teeth , dog in tongue , scorpio in tale . Only human has its poision in his heart . Good morning hve a sweet day keep smilling
We met it was luck . We talked it was chance . We became friends it was destiny . We are still friends it is faith ! We will always be friends .">" border="0"/> . Good morning hve a beautiful day keep smilling
A TrUe fRiEnD UnDeRsTaNdS WhEn yOu sAy, “i fOrGoT…” WaItS FoReVeR WhEn yOu sAy, “1 mInUtE…” StAyS WhEn yOu sAy, “lEaVe mE AlOnE…” AnD OpEnS ThE DoOr, EvEn bEfOrE YoU KnOcK… a tRuE FrIeNd iS SoMeOnE WhO ReAcHeS FoR YoUr hAnD AnD ToUcHeS YoUr hEaRt. HaPpY FrIeNdShIp dAy!! thanx for being my friend..i'm honoured
Thanks for watt for me dear , my hobb r listen sad songs in dark room & playing video games , black , white , pink , all light colours , lavya can v chat in inbox dear
">" border="0"/> WISH U AHAPPYFRIENDSHIP ">" border="0"/> GoOd MoRnInG hVe A NiCe DaY kEeP sMiLiNg