GOOD MORNING MY FRIEND">" border="0"/> A rose for u">" border="0"/> see urself frm my eyes, ur sooo beautiful">" border="0"/> now stop crying and missing me, m here to c ur smile">" border="0"/> now thats better, but still if u smile more ull luk more beautiful">" border="0"/> wow ur smile is shooo sweet, keep smiling">" border="0"/> NEAL
GOOD MORNING">" border="0"/>">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/> u can do the same with me also, hope u smile NEAL
God loves u ">" border="0"/> My friend My Angel ">" border="0"/> and wants to c u smiling always ">" border="0"/> thats why he made flowers ">" border="0"/> and all beautiful things in nature ">" border="0"/> hoping it can make u smile ">" border="0"/> NEAL
Good Morning flowers for u ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/> NEAL