sWeeTneSS iN yOuR sPeEcH taLeNt iN yOuR MinD LoVe iN yOuR hEaRt pEaCe iN yOuR EyEs sTrEngTh iN yOuR HaNdS & I WisH aLwAyS VicToRy iN yOuR LifE DOn’T tAkE tEnSioN u’LL gEt uR dEsTinAtiOn Don’T MaKe uR minD jAm duE tO aNy ExAm BeLiEvE uR SeLf GOD wiLL heLp you tO gEt sUccEsS WiShiNg yÖu bEsT oF LuCk mY dEaR…….GooD niGhT i will miss you
Hope you like these">http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_gTJMEP-c2fo/Sa1_o3cu1RI/AAAAAAAAKrs/ycQORsdRIB8/s1600-h/cute-cats-22.jpg" border="0"/>Have a fancy day miss you sis
STaRs haVe sEttLEd aNd mÖÖn wiLL sHiNe fRieNdShiP mAtUrEs LiKe LoVeLy WinE a VeRy LoVeLy nigHt tO a fRieNd Of miNE mAy yOuR NighT bE cooL And finE...~~¥~~ hi..where you:{
WhEn iT rAiNs yOu doNt sEE thE sUn bUt itS tHeRe... HoPe wE cAn bE likE thAt. We dOnT aLwayS sEE eaCh oThEr buT wE wiLL aLwayS bE thErE.......haVE rOcKiNg RaiNy dAy.. My FriEnD....
NoBoDy tEachEs SuN tO risE, FiSh tO swiM, birDs tO fLy,PLanT tO gRoW, ChiLd tO cRy, & NoBoDy teAchEs a hEaRt tO chOoSe a friEnD LikE U....GooD NiGhT...miss you friend
I maY noT bE thE mosT importanT person iN youR lifE BuT i jusT hopE thaT onE daY wheN yoU heaR mY namE yoU woulD jusT smiLe & saY heY!! That’S mY frienD... ">http://www.commentsguru.com/images/tuesday/hello_have_a_great_tuesday.jpg" border="0"/> wat happened fiend
ChEErfuL PeOpLe arE LikE SunLighT ThEy ShiNe iN tO thE CorNerS oF thE HearT & OffeR BrighT MoMenT & FrEsH HoPeS....** GooD EVeNiNg ** tO oNe suCh PerSoN...
'Go coNfidEntLy in tHe diReCtiOn of yOUr dReaMs. LivE thE LifE yOu hAvE imAginEd... ALwayS bEAr iN minD ThaT yOUr oWn rEsoLutiOn to sUccEEd iS moRe iMpoRtaNt thAn aNy OtheR..' where are you my friend
'Very rareLy I seE rAinBoW iN thE mOrniNg oftEn i feeL uNcOunTabLe rAinBoWs iN uR pReSenCe bEfoRe thE 1sT rAy of thE suN.' GooD eveNING .... miss yo friend..
'LiFe hAs iTs Ups n DowNs. SomEtimEs thE sun shinEs, somEtimEs thE raiN lashEs, bUt thEn iT takEs boTh thE Sun n Rain tO maKe a RAINBoW It givEs ansWer iN 3 waYs… It saYs YeS & givEs u whAt u waNt, it saYs nO aNd givEs u somEthiNg bEttEr, iT saYs waiT aNd givEs u the BeSt!' HaVe a greAt eVeNinG...: hello friend. nice ava