You know didi i'm here from two years facing many ignoring many kind of insulting. Yea i was insulted for my "black skin" by some one girl before a year. I'm black it's not my fault... .But when i was thought now i can leave this site then you come in my life. And then Ariesta. I don't call you 'didi' only because of calling.... I call you didi because i think you as my real didi. 'Didi' is not some words it's is a priceless thing for a brother... A boy couldn't be call any one 'didi'... If you have to call some one 'didi' you have to give respect as 'didi'... So didi you for me priceless.... I love you much much and much than i love myself.
Oh... Here 11:30pm.. But you country near indonesia right?..... Yea this is the coz i can't leave this site. When i remember your face i came here running.......
Thanx didi . But i still sad coz, in a hole day you remember me when midnight in your country... But whole day i come again and again with hope if you send any message... But every time i back with sadness ....But it's good, everything has a coz... Love you too.
thanks sweet Apu. u r very polite and wel mannered. i really proud of you. yeah..i lyk to share but not today, thanks to permit. these are the sweet male ch. it out. u saw my messages there. tarif13 (bangladesh) viknesh37 and Velo74 both are from india, u get something interesting knowledge from them.ha ha ha... Have good time.
Hold on to what is good, Even if it's a handful of earth. Hold on to what you believe, Even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold on to what you must do, Even if it's a long way from here.
Hold on to what captures your heart even you think its distant to hold...
charmie my sweet sister remember i told you you are very special one to me. I told you it from my heart and belive. I observed you. (not only you ) when i'm new i have no friend here. I came here a big amount of thirst to looking some body who was sharing wit me. Coz that time i was fetally injured both physically and mentally. So i tried a lot to had some friend but every one rejected me. That time i didn't know how to set photo. My first expirience.. I choose two nice female but theydidnt except me. I again and again visit the wall but nothing happen, latter i saw they are male! If u want i tell u their name. So i deeply watching. then i find out some girls and guys.they have quality and heart i understand them read their messages. U r one of them. But your english is very good so i afraid may be i failed to share wit you. But i always want if u r to be my friend?Latter it comes true. If my long story bothered you please manage. Very good night to you.
Surrender doesn't mean ur weak.. Der r things u need 2 give up, n0t bc0z ur tired of it... But bc0z u kn0w that n0 matter what u d0,it's n0t meant f0r y0u...=(