iCYMAZE: "When we see our beloved 1 after a long gap,v wnt 2 share many things, but a smile & silents are the 1st 1 we share.Tats real affection. Gud day.
*U ThInK U R MiSsInG SoMeOnE... BuT aCtUaLLy U DoNt mIsS ThEm cOz EacH SeCoNd u tHiNk aBt tHeIr aBsEnCe... WhiCh . . . FiLLs tHeIr pReSeNcE!!* AgrEe???? FrIeNdShIp iS aLL AbOuT ThReE ThInGs... WiNnInG,LoSiNg aNd sHaRiNg, WiNiNg yOuR FrIeNd's hEaRt, LoSiNg yOuR EgO AnD ShArInG JoYs aNd sOrRoWs... GooD nIgHt