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13 years ago
'It doESn't mAttEr WhAt LifE bRinGs oUr wAy.. Now,i’LL aLwAyS rEmEmbEr... How yOu wErE thErE foR mE.. PoUriNg rAiN,frEEziNg snOw Or bLaZiNg sUn... Two friEnds aLwAyS kNoW The love and bOnD wE feLt.. ThAt wiLL nEvEr fAdE aWAy... SomEtimEs it’S hArD kNowiNg I cAn’t sEE yOuR EyEs.. AnD yOu cAn’t hEaR mY vOicE... EvEn tHouGh i kNoW riGhT WhErE yOu arE.. BUt mY DeaR friEnD... ThE LovE wE hAd StiLL rEmaiN thE sAmE.. AnD tHAt wiLL nEvEr diE... sWeEt moRNinG 2 u aPu
13 years ago
DifferencE betweeN FrienD & WifE/HusbanD... U caN TeLL uR FrienD “U r mY BesT FrienD” BuT Do u havE couragE teLL tO uR WifE/HusbanD “U r mY BesT WifE/HusbanD?” if yoU havE enougH couragE theN thE resulT iS....deer">" border="0"/>deer chasing a dearbored you can use itwat">" border="0"/>wat he have donewat">" border="0"/>wat happened?..why laughgood eveningha">" border="0"/>ha ha ha... caN yoU chasE mE? pls smile apu i'm so happy to see heart beating fast..i'm fine's you done many day's left without ur friends and kuyai missed you lots..
13 years ago
Hi friend!
13 years ago
DrEamS viSit uS whEn wE aRe aSleEp. But GOD iS tRULy wiSe. He waKes uS uP eAcH dAy aNd giVeS uS evEry cHaNcE tO mAKe oUr dREAMs cOmE tRuE. So dREMm tOnigHt…You wiLL hAvE tO tRuE iT toMoRrOw... Goodnight...
13 years ago
Mind is like a wild bird... A wild bird couldn't alive in cage... They want to fly in free and large sky... So Don't caged your mind... Let your mind free... Feel the wander creation of God... You will be Feel happy... And always remember you happy means i happy..... Take care..
13 years ago

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13 years ago

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Soft Speech clean heart,
peaceful eyes, strengthful hands,
focussed mind and determined decision
with God's Love.
Alway Makes you winner.
<<<<<<<BEST OF LUCK>>>>>>>
13 years ago
A boy was teaching a girl arithmetic, he said it was his mission. He kissed her once; he kissed her twice and said, “Now that’s addition.” In silent satisfaction, she sweetly gave the kisses back and said, “Now that’s subtraction.” Then he kissed her, she kissed him, without an explanation. And both together smiled and said, “That’s multiplication.” Then her Dad appeared upon the scene and made a quick decision. He kicked that boy three blocks away and said, “That’s long division!” math is hard when you caught have a laughing(loudly) and smiling(silently) weekendgut morning
13 years ago
'WhEn yOu arE fAlliNg.. aNd cAn’t sAvE yOuRsElf.. rEaCh fOr thE cAlliNg.. thE cAlliNg of a fRienD.. WhEn yOu arE cRyiNg.. aNd cAn’t seE aN eNd.. rEaCh fOr thE cAlliNg.. thE cAlliNg of a fRienD.. WheN yOuR worlD iS eNdiNg.. aNd yOu cAn’t rEpeNt.. rEaCh foR thE cAlliNg.. thE cAlliNg of a fRienD.. WhEn yOu aRe dyiNg.. dOn’t tRy tO hElp.. reAch foR thE cAlliNg.. thE cAlliNg of a fRienD...' timE of mY fAlliNg.. cRyiNg.. lauGHing.. loViNg.. riSiNg.. shAriNg.. evEn dyiNg.. I bElivE yOu'lL bE witH mE.. mY friEnD. WilL yOu? HavE wOndErfuL dAy.. you leave me apu ok be happy..
13 years ago
'ArE wE frndS oR ArE wE noT ? YoU tolD mE oncE...buT i forgoT.. So telL mE noW... anD telL mE truE.. sO i cAn sAy... I aM herE foR u.. Of alL thE frNds... I havE EveR mEt.. u r thE onE... I’lL nEvEr foRgEt.. AnD if i diE... beforE yOu dO.. I wilL gO tO hEaVeN... AND waiT foR U...' tO YOU.... Apu..
13 years ago
A bOnD oF lOvE... A mEdAl oF tRuSt... A sHoUldEr iN saDnEsS... A hAnD iN dArKnEsS... A spEciAl rElAtiOn tO hOlD... An eAr wHerE sEcrEts cAn bE tOlD... An aPprEciAtOr foR eNcOuRagEmeNt... SOmEthiNg thAt dOeSn’t cOsT... A jEwEl nEvEr tO bE loST... Is thE mAgiC cAllEd... ''F R I E N D'' oh... I aM sO LucKy tHAt yOu ArE My ApU... pEacfuL aNd cHeErfuL dAy foR yOu..
13 years ago
LoVeLy WiShEs TO a LoVeLy pErSoN FrOm a LoVeLy pErSoN FOR a LoVeLy rEaSoN aT a LoVeLy TimE iN a LoVeLy mOoD iN a LovEly StylE TO sAy 'HAVE PEACEFUL DAY> WitH SiLeNt sMilE LoVeLy wEekEnD apu miss yo so much
13 years ago
claudia - Picture for Me
Sanjela - Picture for Me
have a nice day
13 years ago
'bE uR selF n SmilE, nEvEr bE 2 ScAReD 2 shoW uR sofE sidE… whO KnOw, maybE wheN u smilE, aT thaT vErY SeconD, u caN CaRvE iT righT iN2 a bEaUTifuL hEarT thaT wilL lovE u 4 alL EteRNitY… rEmEmbEr thE bEsT thingS iN lifE r PricElEsS jusT likE a smilE…' YoU">" border="0"/>YoU TalkativEhE">" border="0"/>hE likE girlShuntedExaM">" border="0"/>ExaM startR sooN..doN disturBDangErouS">" border="0"/>DangErouS lovEComparE">" border="0"/>ComparE thEsE 2 imagEs..choicE iS yourS thE">" border="0"/>thE rEsulT oF mEssagE iS...">" border="0"/> oK.. SwEEt slEEp..elEctriC drEamS..whaT caN i dO noW
13 years ago

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"Response" is one of the powerfull weapons to occupy a place in other's 'HEART'
So always give response to the one who really cares for U...

13 years ago

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"Response" is one of the powerfull weapons to occupy a place in other's 'HEART'
So always give response to the one who really cares for U...

13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
'LivE lifE tO thE fullesT causE yoU neveR knoW yoU mighT diE tomorroW, lovE youR familY & friendS, cherisH youR lifE thanK youR parentS foR bringinG yoU intO thiS worlD anD thanK tO GoD tO givinG yoU lifE. AlwaY'S tryinG tO smilE witH uR neaR anD deaR one'S coZ thatS bringinG yoU lifE intO uR lifE smilinG dream'S tO yoU... mY deaR frienD
13 years ago
'FeW MomEntS iN F R I E N D S H I P FrNdZ WalKinG WiD U.. HolDinG Ur HaNdS.. LyInG On FrNdS ShoUldeR.. HugGinG FrnD In HappInesS oR DiffIculT SituAtioN.. GraBBinG FrndS FooD n EatinG.. SpeNdinG 4 FrNdZ n SpeNdinG FrndS MoNeY.. TeArS WithiN oR In OuR EyeS.. On SEEinG TeArS In FrndS EyeS.. RoaMinG.. PicniC WiD FriEndS.. FightS.. ArgUMEntS WiD HiM|HeR.. EnDinG Up In MorE UnderSTANdingS…' I haD thoSE day'S BuT i didn'T felT thaT extraordinarY feelingS becausE oF somE struggleDdifficultieS anD complexcetY n mY lifE accidentallY wheN i entereD herE 4rM thosE daY tO stilL noW mY lifE anD timE waS changeD..changinG iS oN...everY daY mY eye'S filleD witH somE sweeT teaRs..buT nO onE seeN thaT.. itS miD nighT teaRs.. m sO happY witH mY smilE and teaRs.. ThanK yoU frienD yoU arE thE sourcE oF mY smilE & sweeT teaRs yoU arE verY speciaL anD LikE a asseT tO mE..gut morning i dont talk with you apu..
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