WhEn iT rAiNs yOu doNt sEE thE sUn bUt itS tHeRe... HoPe wE cAn bE likE thAt. We dOnT aLwayS sEE eaCh oThEr buT wE wiLL aLwayS bE thErE.......haVE rOcKiNg RaiNy dAy.. My FriEnD.... how's you apu?
I maY noT bE thE mosT importanT person iN youR lifE BuT i jusT hopE thaT onE daY wheN yoU heaR mY namE yoU woulD jusT smiLe & saY heY!! That’S mY frienD... ">http://www.commentsguru.com/images/tuesday/hello_have_a_great_tuesday.jpg" border="0"/> hi apu...
i'm not sad...i'm angry..yeh he is sad but if any body pulled him in a dark hole by himself..then who save him..hope he will recover soon...my best wishess to him alway's
its not so important that he block me..but its important..why? I really don't kno..may be today..coz last night i put msg on his wall..ok drop that topic..sorry 4 late..i wasn't here
i'm so sad apu...ha ha ha ha..i haven't need to any more care or affection i just give up apu...you my sweet dada block me..its not hurt me more...normaly i was beard lot of pain...now pain is entertain to
ChEErfuL PeOpLe arE LikE SunLighT ThEy ShiNe iN tO thE CorNerS oF thE HearT & OffeR BrighT MoMenT & FrEsH HoPeS....** GooD NighT ** tO oNe suCh PerSoN... hi apu..
Open your tinky minky eyes,standup and strech your crunchy prunchy bonz and then wakeup yourself,tell your brain to refresh and tell yourself today is in good day.............!!!!
'Go coNfidEntLy in tHe diReCtiOn of yOUr dReaMs. LivE thE LifE yOu hAvE imAginEd... ALwayS bEAr iN minD ThaT yOUr oWn rEsoLutiOn to sUccEEd iS moRe iMpoRtaNt thAn aNy OtheR..'
Cute and true lines – NeveR ChoosE a DeaR/NeaR one WithouT UnderstandinG AnD NeveR LoosE a DeaR/NeaR OnE BecausE of MisunderstandinG… GooD EveninG my DeaR FRIEND.. .*^*.~~~ ,*^*,~~~~
'Very rareLy I seE rAinBoW iN thE mOrniNg oftEn i feeL uNcOunTabLe rAinBoWs iN uR pReSenCe bEfoRe thE 1sT rAy of thE suN.' GooD eveNING .... miss yo apu
'LiFe hAs iTs Ups n DowNs. SomEtimEs thE sun shinEs, somEtimEs thE raiN lashEs, bUt thEn iT takEs boTh thE Sun n Rain tO maKe a RAINBoWIt givEs ansWer iN 3 waYs… It saYs YeS & givEs u whAt u waNt, it saYs nO aNd givEs u somEthiNg bEttEr, iT saYs waiT aNd givEs u the BeSt!'..GooD">http://www.scrapsyard.com/sy/01/9371/9371.gif" border="0"/>..GooD nighT..SWEET DREAMS
LearninG HistorY Is So EasY BuT MakinG HistorY Is So DifficulT MakE A HistorY Of YourselF & MakE OtherS To LearN It.......!!!! ">http://www.desicomments.com/graphics/goodafternoon/24.gif" border="0"/> My DeaR FrienD
'UsuaLLy wheN pEopLe aRe sAd, thEy don'T dO aNythiNg. ThEy juSt cRy ovEr thEir cOnDitioN. BuT whEn thEy gEt aNgRy, thEy bRiNg aBoUt a chAnGe..' sO sOmeTimeS aNgEr iS nOt bAd hAvE a aNgRy DaY... wIsHiNg a LucKy dAy... plz out of coma apu otherwise yo will lost ur kuya
The">http://i807.photobucket.com/albums/yy354/marie_mjolnir/youtube/b315b0878f0720179633891de24a66da127e4f26.jpg" border="0"/>The ultimate measure of affection is not when both persons like each other,its when one ignores and the other still likes till the end..
'What’s thE usE oF worRyinG? It nEvEr wAs worTh whiLe, sO paCk uP yoUr trOubLes iN yoUr oLd kiT-baG, anD smiLe... smiLe... smiLe... GOOD MORNING... haVe a nicE dAy wiTh smiLe...lookE soMe exAmpLe of smiLe 4 YoUi">http://www.funnyjunksite.com/pictures/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/funny-horse-pictures-14.jpg" border="0"/>i have won the raceangry">http://www.funnypictures24.com/fp/funny_animals/funny_animals/snake/funny_snake_picture_10.jpg" border="0"/>angry smileartist">http://www.funnypictures24.com/funny1/funnyanimal359.gif" border="0"/>artist smileback">http://www.funnypictures24.com/fp/funny_animated_pictures/funny_animated_picture_86.gif" border="0"/>back smilenow">http://www.funnypictures24.com/funny1/funnyanimal307.gif" border="0"/>now and then smiledeadly">http://www.funnypictures24.com/funny1/funnyanimal337.gif" border="0"/>deadly smilenow">http://www.funnypictures24.com/funny2/funnysmiley118.gif" border="0"/>now choose one and wear it