. u r Like The Sunshine So Warm.. u r Like Sugar –So Sweet, u r Like u…. And Thats The Reason Why !!!! I Love You So… So Go & Get Going… B-coz This Is The Day.. Happy Propose Day..!!
‘Twas deep; so deep of night, When I saw what I had seen - So truly deep of night, When I went where I had been, And really deep of night, When I heard what I had heard: Perhaps a fox or badger, Or a sort of night-time bird. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ‘Twas late that night of nights, When something there was there - So very late that night of nights, Where that thing was where - 'Twas deep of night of nights, When it ran to where it ran: Perhaps a stoat or Billy goat, Or ghostly little man. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ‘Twas in the night of night of nights, When something scary caused a scare - So late of night of night of nights, When something hairy raised my hair - The deep of night of night of nights… So don't you wonder what it was? Well I never really truly saw it - Why? Because because! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ‘Twas in the night of night of night of nights Oh I've had enough! Night night.
I asked god 2 keep u happy... He said - ok, only for 4 days.. Isaid ok, summr, wintr, autmn& spring days.. He said no, only for 3 days... I said ok.. ystrday, 2day & 2moro He said no, only for 2 days.. I saidok, day & night.. he said no, only for 1 day I said ok,"Everyday" God laughed & said ok
The Words have been said The damage has been dealt No tears are to be shed For there is no emotions felt Say what you want to say It doesn’t matter no more I won’t choose your way I already locked that door Be what ever you want I honestly don’t even care Go ahead and taunt No word from me, I swear Do whatever you want to It won’t do nothing towards me For I can promise you I’m the one you’ll never see Whatever road you choose It matters to me none For it’s just old news The drama is done